
China quartz stone industry standard setting is about to start

In recent years, along with the rapid development of the quartz stone industry in our country, industry vicious competition and market disorder situation has become deadly shackles of industry development, and the introduction of urgent need has the height, the authority of the relevant industry standards, to regulate the market to healthy competition to promote the industry steadily forward.

In the National Federation of furniture decoration industry chamber of Commerce and the national building materials, inspection and testing center to actively promote, live built have been approved by the Ministry of developing China "construction with microcrystalline quartz synthetic decorative board" standard. Live according to the requirements of building industry and trade, the national industrial and Commercial Joint furniture decoration industry chamber of Commerce artificial stone special committee responsible for standard setting organization, the national building materials testing center responsible for standard setting technical work.

The formulation of the quartz stone industry standards will between the enterprises, society and customers to establish scientific and unified industry standards, quartz stone industry implement to maintain and improve the market order of real action, also marks the quartz stone industry in China will enter a standardized development track, to further standardize the quartz stone market, promote the development of the industry has important and far-reaching significance.

The standard of reference standard enterprise quantity and quality, there are strict requirements, according to the present situation of the industry, the decision to select a certain number of outstanding enterprises to participate in the formulation of the standard, the intention to participate in the standard setting enterprise are invited to 2011 June 10th to the Secretariat of the declaration, decide.

