
Six quartz stone countertops conservation tips

Quartz countertops in hardness, strength, temperature resistance and resistance to penetration and other physical and chemical properties superior to other materials, but does not mean that this material is not damaged. To avoid possible damage countertops, routine maintenance is very important.

First, pay attention to water
Organic materials, metals stains, grease will cause the stone pollution, but the easiest and the most difficult to prevent the presentation of the problem is water damage. Under normal circumstances, water stains in a certain time will evaporate, but at high temperatures low water condition, water stains may never die, but long-term storage and will be immersed in the stone house. Various stains substances (except liquid) itself will not have an impact on the stone, as long as the stain with water and chemical changes met only after composing dyeing, pollution and other issues. In addition, water immersion within the stone, but also changes in stone, stone within the mineral salts due to exposure to moisture and chemical reaction, when the crystal gradually become larger, it will make the stone look burst open and precipitated crystals form Bai Hua and other pollution issues. Thus, routine maintenance should pay attention to quartz stone "to avoid infiltration of water, so water vapor exhaled."

    Second, not free to wax
Wax varieties on the market where many water-based wax, stearic acid wax, wax oil, acrylic wax, these waxes are essentially acid-containing material, not only the pores of the stone to breathe infarction, but also stained with dust and dirt constitute wax scale, the formation of the outer stone yellowing phenomenon.
Third, do not mess with the non-neutral detergent
    For the sake of fast cleaning effect, ordinary cleaning agents contain pH, it is unknown if prolonged use of detergent ingredients, will make the stone look luster lost, and because of the residual non-neutral detergent also be generated by quartz stone disease the main reason.

    Fourth, it must be decontaminated immediately
    Dense quartz surface is good, but the sources of pollution (oil, tea, coffee, cola, soy sauce, ink, etc.) has long placed, can easily penetrate into the pores along quartz stone inside constitutes stains, so if there is pollution down in Be sure to clean the stone immediately.

    Fifth, avoid direct contact with high temperature appliances
    From the stove or oven, a microwave oven taken directly down wok, hot pot or other utensil vessel temperature is too high and so will bring damage to the table. Although quartz surface heat is very good, generally it does not burn hot, but any materials have thermal expansion characteristics. High temperatures can change the internal structure of the material, prolonged use can cause unexpected damage overheated material. In the process of using quartz avoid fire barbecue table, not to high-calorie containers placed directly on the table, you should use pot holders to protect quartz stone countertops to prevent damage.

Sixth, to avoid sharp objects scratching

     Sharp weapon might damage the surface and the material itself. Quartz is a high hardness composite materials, have high impact and scratch resistance, as long as no sharp weapon damage them under normal circumstances quartz stone is no wear. Vegetable cooking food should be on the chopping block, in addition to outside to avoid leaving marks, damage the blade, but also can do better hygiene.

