
Selection of quality assured skills quartz stone countertops cabinets

As living standards improve, people's quality of life in the pursuit of higher and higher, safety and health is becoming increasingly popular, it is essential to select which cabinet table, and our health is closely related to an environmental quality quartz stone face is very important to our health, the following small series to introduce you to several methods of quartz stone countertops selected.
First, the optimal thickness of the sheet thickness, the quartz plate is processed into a mesa 1.50CM, the thicker the better, the higher the material toughness, earthquake stronger, longer life.

Second, due to the appearance of processing high hardness of quartz material factors, quartz stone countertops processing technology for processing and patchwork of requirements to be higher than similar products. In addition to high-quality quartz stone countertops made of quality green quartz plate, it must also be accompanied by exquisite, delicate stitching process and reflected, but also the products of high value-added performance.

Third is to identify the standard quartz stone from the plate appearance.
1. texture: From the point of view of the manufacturing process, quartz corporations are "artificial", but the texture of the material point of view, high-quality quartz stone strong natural sense, and natural stone is almost the same, which is an important indicator of the industry technical standards One. Production equipment and technology behind the imitation quartz, its strong sense of the appearance of plastic resins, "artificial" traces of heavier.

2. tone style: for some variety, with a surface of the plate containing the four values ​​is the world quartz stone production of highest technical standards, production equipment and technology behind the imitation quartz stone texture color blur, disorder, clear tone is not clear, it is easy to identify the naked eye. Depending on the quality of these species, it can be deduced that the manufacturer of available equipment and technology.

3. Raw materials: containing the lens variety, which flash lens to fine particles is better (more natural), imitation quartz flash lenses are often larger particles, is recycled glass, the low cost of raw materials, so quartz plate 'artificial' strong sense. Fourth, anti-permeability quality quartz plate surface and internal structure is also compact and uniform, so low water absorption, resistance to penetration strong; and production equipment and technology behind the imitation quartz often "has its shape without its god" Exterior looks like the same, but loose porous internal structure, this material quartz stone countertops weak resistance to penetration, water absorption, seepage pollution and strong, in the course of daily life will be revealed over time.

Based on this company, after the cabinet quartz twenty years of toil on the road, all the way through the clutter, innovative and close to where people live, is committed to the modern concept of environmental protection must adhere to FIG quartz high hardness, high temperature, acid , impact-resistant, easy to clean, based on the human body without any harmful radioactive elements, so pure green healthy home.

