
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the use of quartz

 A metamorphic rock, which is extremely hard and resistant to severe weather, is fused with the pressure of the particles and quartz particles of sand under high temperatures. The shapes and colors of quartz are varied, including white, smoky gray, rose pink, blue and black, depending on the other materials in the process of rock fusion. Quartz stone uses very wide.

Decorative stone of quartz
    As a result of quartz stone with a glass like transparent luster, and a variety of colors, it is often used as a gem jewelry. Green, the so-called "India jade" is a kind of quartz stone which is often used instead of jade. Quartz stone is relatively cheap, so it is often used as a clothing accessories.

The use of quartz stone carving
    Quartz stone is also often used for carving, such as the body of the bust and the copy of the India cultural relics, such as arrow, because it is relatively cheap and easy to find. In addition, because the quartz Shi Ke dyed various colors, it can also be used as carving decorations, such as Paperweight, which requires dyeing. If untreated, the appearance is similar to quartz stone slate. Grinding can make the surface of quartz crystal shiny.

Industrial application of quartz stone
     Quartz stone is a common raw material for glass and ceramic industry. Its glassy appearance may make it look like a fragile, fragile material. However, this is not the case. In fact, quartz stone is very hard, often be used for grinding tools such as stone. Quartz stone tiles are increasingly being used in the construction industry, because the material is not only hard, but very durable. Because of the appearance of the quartz stone, it can be used to lay the wall, the roof and the floor, and as the table. Quartz stone can be used for road construction and maintenance. Quartz stone is sometimes used to beautify the environment.

