
Quartz stone machine: some key points about the processing of stone joint technology

Natural stone because it gives the noble elegance and magnificence of the beautiful feeling, let a person to the stone material decorative effect is more and more extensive application, whether indoor or outdoor, is widely used. Because the brightness of stone material face can rely on waxing, crystal surface treatment process to complete. But the docking of the gap between stone and stone, but often because of the flat stone itself is not enough and the emergence of signs of joint, when the plate in use after a period of time, the cracks will accumulate dirt, a long time will be in the black, even can cause changes in the nature of stone, serious damage to the surface of the decorative overall effect. So we are the master of the docking between the stone is our primary foundation. In order to be our stone between the docking technology of a few points.
1, the gap of the stone to deal with clean, and then use the special stone slot machine of stone raphe to neat cutting slot, so that the width of the gap between the stone drop to a minimum, reoccupy is close to stone color special glue the fill. (Note: if you've already done raphe processing is new open without seam).

2, the use of special glue to the stone itself color palette, the color can be sufficiently close to the essence of the color of the stone. Enhance the overall sense to achieve the most ideal visual effect.

3, will adjust the good glue to the stone filled, due to glue the completely solidified will have a certain degree of contraction, so we should be as far as possible let the glue is slightly higher than the level of the stone, so as not to repeatedly fill.

4, the professional grinding polishing pad and polishing filler polished filled the place, let it in the same horizontal plane with the surface of the stone, to increase the sense of the whole stone, and solve the gap between high and low problem, prevent crack and no standard anti black phenomenon.

5, to grind stone again polishing and grinding: use special stone polishing machine, from No. 50 3000 stone chip mill from coarse to fine the stone is repeatedly grinding, so that the surface of the stone maintained smooth and high light brightness.

6, and finally to the overall crystallization processing: the stone crystalline powder and crystallization drug together with crystal surface grinding polishing machine, under the weight of grinding machine for stone and crystalline powder physical and chemical reaction occurred under the action of high temperature, forming a layer of dense, hard crystalline protection layer. Stone crystal can enhance their own color and brightness, but also to prevent slippery, waterproof, anti oil, etc..

Our processing technology of natural stone increasingly mature. In order to make a more perfect stone. Let stone application development more extensive. Let us work together to play our professional skills. Let the stone more widely. Let the development of stone stronger and more!

