
The advantages and disadvantages of quartz stone and artificial stone

Artificial stone is divided into acrylic artificial stone and artificial quartz stone, of course, there are some new kinds of stone, but the basic is a small group, each merchant of different names and bad classification.
      Acrylic stones and quartz stone is not what good or bad, consisting of different components, characteristics of relatively large differences, so when the choose and buy, to clear their comparative value table which characteristics to the choice of acrylic or quartz stone.
     Acrylic stone as now ambry market of the main table materials, processing has the advantages of beautiful appearance, mainly stop water and absolute seamless splicing and special processing of arc, which is beyond the reach of quartz stone; in addition, acrylic stone relative quartz stone better toughness, especially pure acrylic optimal.
    The advantages are: the seamless, the shape is changeable, the color is soft and the appearance is easy to repair. Use time is too long, the re grinding and bright as new.

Faults are: the hardness of a little difference with quartz stone, such as rough objects on the surface of friction, easy to destroy the surface brightness. Composite acrylic high temperature to 90 degrees, pure acrylic high temperature is 120 degrees. But not long time contact with hot objects.
    Quartz stone hardness and wear resistance are superior acrylic stone, better heat resistance, but absolutely no so badly, either acrylic stone or quartz stone, not hot pot placed directly on the table, thermal expansion and contraction will lead to changes in the local molecular structure. Whether quartz stone or acrylic stone, if you do not use a pot mat, directly on the table placed high temperature object, in the course of time, the contact high temperature object plane and the other part of the table light has difference.
    The advantages are: compared with artificial stone, high temperature resistance and resistance.
    The disadvantage is that: do not form a single, complex modeling problems, and the bump is not easy to repair. Because of the hardness and density of quartz, it is not easy to make a complex model.
    Whether it is acrylic stone or quartz stone, material composition decision quality, and not quartz stone is better than that of artificial stone, like acrylic stone, quartz stone market is bad, users in the purchase of stone, try more manufacturers and product components. As far as possible to ask the seller to produce the product's inspection report as well as the sales document.

