
Quartz Processing And Installation Process

The processing method of the quartz is approximate to the natural granite, which is very different from the common "artificial stone" in the present market. All operations must be cooled with water.
One, carrying
Two, open data
Three, sticky edge
Four, edge processing
Five, open hole
Six, tangent angle
Seven, basin processing
Eight,the processing of flat laid table mat
Nine, packaging and transportation
Ten, site construction and installation
A, storage and handling (Note: mustn’t two people flat plate handling)
1, quartz stone must be stored in the interior, to avoid the sun shining.
2, using two A type storage rack, 1.5 meters apart. Bottom pad in a wooden, flat site close to the side plate of the iron, and guarantee every piece of plate tightly push by unilateral does not exceed 25 boards.
3, in order to avoid causing the surface bending deformation and rupture, do not put the finished product vertically.
4, where the handling is a processing and installation in the process of human handling, handling must be the side vertical plate method, the two side of the plate moved to the machine or the front side of the working on, and at the same time force uniformly flipped to the flat on the machine desk, side it down can slow drag plate to adjust the position, face it down when it is strictly prohibited to drag the sheet, so as to avoid scratching the surface, on-site installation, handling also uses the same principle is arranged in the cabinet body above, when necessary can also by 3-4 people cooperate to complete the operation.
5, plate loading use trivets (wooden) three, 0.8 meters apart, bottom pad to wood, wood length and the carriage is equal to the width of, prevent sliding, plate side on the shelf, placed on both sides and ensure each plate is positive on the front, the back surface of the backrest, plate must be tightly pushed on, then use a soft rope (broadband) bundling of wood, rope after pad with cardboard to prevent transportation turbulence causing injury or fracture of the sliding plate.
6, using a pair of triangular wooden finished loading, wood shall be fixedly connected with the bottom, to prevent sliding. Finished side on the gallows, are placed at the two sides, then use a soft rope (broadband) tied to a wooden frame, prevent the transport of turbulence plate sliding.
Two, open the material (Note: all operation must be cooled with water)
1, is expected to open before the must read and understand drawings, so as to avoid the wrong size, the idea of the single how materials to accomplish know fairly well, to meet the drawing requirements and material saving principle.
2, before the plate is opened, first detects the remaining material is combined, and check the color is consistent, visually check for surface defects.
3, must carefully check sheet before opening data, whether there is chromatic aberration, cracks, flaws, the plate should be clear in the process is to avoid, not after the completion with finding spots caused serious economic losses.
4, the material utilization rate of the material to achieve more than 90% of the principle, and to ensure that the remaining material width can exceed 58mm.
5, to avoid the back wall and then, the leading edge can be appropriate to engage in polishing and polishing.
6, can be used with hand cutting machine with cutting edge machine.
7, to ensure that the wall of the 3-5mm expansion gap.
8, cutting knife speed 4m/ minutes.
9, open data to control drawing to check the size of each plate, Dan, accessories, odd numbers, addresses, and joint should be written clearly, for next procedure understanding.
Three, stick edge (Note: all operation must be cooled with water)
1, the process of the upper pass to the product must be passed the quality inspection, the unqualified product should be rejected.
2, must read the drawings before surface bonding, understand the joined table and set the table and receive the countertop glue, straight edge and the leading edge of the material.
3, set a professional person to deploy the color of the glue, glue the color of the color as close as possible to the plate, the glue in the glue to be used by the team leader to agree with the countertop can be used.
4, the use of quick drying glue, should be in accordance with the instructions indicate the proportion of adhesive and curing agent and add, it is strictly prohibited to add a lot of curing agent and the influence of bonding firmness and color variation, strict control to avoid wasting time glue quantity.
5, straight edge stick side, need to paste the surface is completely clean and dry and smooth, the back of the check plate joint surface roughness, when necessary, angle grinders are available for slight modification. Clean and dry bonding surface evenly coated in the same color glue and the bottom panel edge 15mm, straight edge placed on the left side and the right side of the gel rubbing, squeeze the air out, clamp and a rubber hammer to cooperate to use, moderate strength the straight edge of the clip and plate alignment. Every 5-10 centimeter placed clip, to be half dry after removal of plastic. After the completion of the edge bonding (dry), use same color adhesive with color quartz stone reinforcement material to enable the straight edge and surface connection. Finally, glass glue, which is used to clip will lined with smooth wood adhesive on board (flat type)
All of the following fixture bottom must be clamped with table wood, can not directly contact surface.
Must absolutely guarantee the formation of the bottom.
6, near the leading edge bonding, firstly to use the quick drying with the color of the gum will stone quartz stone reinforced material, according to straight edge glued fixedly connected on the bottom of the board, glue dry thoroughly and evenly coated with color glue at the back of the front, the use of moderate strength with a rubber hammer will be near the leading edge and bonding good reinforcement material connected securely, ensure outstanding blocking the waterline of the flatness and seamless combination, until the glue semi dry when using a knife scraping net overflow of glue. Finally, use glass glue with in order to clip will lined wooden flat bonded to the plate. (flat type)
Note: the use of large clamping the front edge, on both sides of the board must be extended to the plate of wood, the ban on two sides of the length of clamp in direct contact with the plate.
Four, edge processing (Note: all operations must be cooled with water)
1, the process of the upper must be passed the product quality inspection, the unqualified product should be rejected.
2, shape edge processing contains back against the wall, straight edge, bevel edge, leading edge, shaped edge, all mill requirements reach close to the original surface luminosity.
3, the back wall, hypotenuse, front straight edge to edge grinding machine grinding out of shape, such as the use of manual edger shape must ensure that the linear deviation is less than 0.5mm, strictly in accordance with the standard system of production.
Keep the shape inherent edge 4, water mill, mill only polishing, and can not change its shape.
5, grinding side from the 50,100,150,300,500,800,1000,2000,3000# chip mill must ensure each Shuimo, playing every Shuimo completely in place to fight, the standard can be used 50#, 150#, 500#, 1000#, and 3000# 2000# 6 parts of Shuimo, playing every mill to give enough water to prevent especially fine grinding burn black surface. The rotational speed of the mill is above 4000r.p.m.
6, a mill, the bottom surface must be flat, height should be consistent with the multi block table, both sides and the middle height to prevent uneven.
7, if necessary, use polishing sand paper fine grinding.
Five, open the hole (Note: all operations must be cooled with water)
Any open hole to draw a good line positioning must be checked after the team leader to confirm the rear can be a knife.
1, the process of the upper must be passed the product quality inspection, the unqualified product should be rejected.
2, before the hole opening and crossed to read drawing size, with particular attention to the relationship between center lines or edges, not to be confused with centerline and sideline.
3, open the hole must be in large supporting surface of wooden bench, forbidden impending operation to prevent crack caused by moving off.
4, taps and gas hole:
Use a flashlight or impact drill, diamond drill bit installation, the wood die hole fixed on the table, can be along the wood hole slowly drill.
5, stove, sink hole and basin:
5.1, open the hole to leave the 3mm gap, reserved spare parts expansion gap.
5.2, in the plate mark the line, in order to avoid cutting line extension and corner cracks and must be first in open angle hole drilling more than 3cm in diameter hole, and using hand cutting machine cutting along the inner side of the hole, and retain as much as possible fillet in the corner.
5.6, the use of arc quartz in the hole of the four corner reinforcement.
5.7, the use of 25mm wide stone in the hole of the reinforcement.
All sink hole, hole basin, a stove hole must play three tank, namely 50#, 150#, 500# to ensure open hole edge smooth without crack tooth.
Six, tangent angle
After any tangent line is well positioned, it must be verified by the team leader to confirm the rear of the knife. All operations shall be equipped with cooling water, draw a line in the plate, in order to avoid cutting line extension and corner crack must drill more than 3cm in diameter of holes in the cutting angle of the corner, then use hand cutting machine cutting along the inner side of the hole, and retain as much as possible fillet in the corner. (back wall can be covered)
All cutting angle must hit three parts of Shuimo, namely 50#, 150#, 500#, to ensure the hole edge smooth without teeth.
Seven, basin processing
Under counter basin opening, the competition the basin shape edge first polishing, and color to use super glue will be around the rim of the basin and mesa closely, (Note: overflow, the water outlet direction) with a clean cloth wipe clean the surface overflow glue. Finally, with the same color glue will more than material (strip), quartz stone reinforcement on the bottom.
Eight, processing flat table, table under a mattress
1, the process of the upper must be passed the product quality inspection, the unqualified product should be rejected.
2, read the drawings, the need for wood, wood pad where do know the score.
3, at the bonding surface cushion batten or cushion board should put all size calculation in place, try to push according to processing, to avoid curve sawing processing of wood or wood saw was askew.
4, with color glue bonding before the deal with the bottom of a table top cleaning again in order to put, to ensure the closely integrated wood pad or wooden pallets and mesa, contact some glue, smooth and seamless. If necessary, use the fixture with and fixture methods, see straight edge joint specification, before, during and after such as distance paste wood, to be same color glue is dry and solid when eradicate excess adhesive residue.
5, Clean the table all stains, used to be waxing, after the quality inspection approval can be stored into the finished area.

Nine, packaging and transportation
1, the plate and the plate with the 2cm foam board separated, to prevent accidental scratches.
2, product installation and transportation, with wood or horn steel frame fixed in the car, and then finished tied on a shelf.
Ten, site construction and installation
1, the construction and installation of the necessary tools
1.1, angle grinder (Jin Gangmo a)
1.2, water mill (resin grinding)
1.3, hand drill
1.4, screwdriver head and steel drilling head (phi 35, Phi 25, Phi 15)
1.5, Qu Xianju
1.6, knife blade
1.7, neutral glass glue (transparent, beige, white), sealant, dry coating
1.8, marble glue (transparent, beige, white) curing agent
1.9, hardening agent, toner
1.10, triangular glass fixture
1.11, wiring socket
1.12, film and tape
2. construction and installation
2.1, the scene has been installed appliances (lampblack machine, dishwasher, oven, refrigerator) valuables with film adhesive tape, glue protection.
2.2, the smoothness of the horizontal ruler on-site inspection cabinet, installation must ensure the bottom surface is absolutely flat, check the table and field size is consistent with, if the error is corrected.
2.3, we must ensure that at the edge of the table and the wall between 3.5 mm gap, with installation adjustment and table of heat expansion and cold contraction extension and in the crevice of play full adhesive (glass, plastic, etc.).
2.4, table and wall back after placement of partial adjustment and modification, and struck the check whether a vacant, tiny hung can be in the bottom pad glue and serious uneven to stop the installation, adjust the kitchen cabinets or dresser mesa until smooth.
2.5, adjust the table away, some glue (glue glass plate) in Taiwan under the pad and connected on the kitchen cabinet.
2.6, L type countertop or long platform needs site high surface bonding, when necessary can use strong glass clamp two large surface and extrusion gap, the joints must be clean and dry, will adjust the lecherous glue evenly on the joint position, according to two mesa to before and after rubbing table, the squeezing of the gap to small and neat, and ensure flat between the two boards, about 10-15 minutes after use knife blade scrape glue exudation of the joint surface.
A special mention is that does not advocate polished surface of the joints, especially the dark series, the absolute prohibition of grinding, polishing surface and beneath the seams with 100mm wide more than expected to strengthen the warranty.
2.7, use adhesive (glass, plastic, etc.) will back wall adhesion, and in the back wall bottom evenly adjustable lewd adhesive, the back wall on the counter, then around the rubbing the back wall, about 10-15 minutes to erase the exudation of glue, not using the same color glue like connecting the back wall due to adhesive (glass, plastic, etc.) have certain toughness without causing cracking or fracture of the other.
2.8, about 10-15 minutes after the water or detergent to wipe the excess adhesive.
2.9, try to avoid the scene to open a hole, such as the need to open must be strictly according to the provisions of the company's opening method shall be bottom bearing and ensure the fillet. If you want to open the hole must be in the connection, and then stick on the back wall.
2.10, use the blade to scrape the surface residual glue, thoroughly clean.
2.11, glass glue often have a white, black and transparent selection, large joints such as customer really necessary surface polishing (light series), the joint glue can use dry hanging marble glue (drying) (recommended brand: epoxy), adhesive glue (glass, plastic, etc.) to have mildew, bacteria, reduce black colloid.

