
Tell quartz

The main material is quartz stone quartz, rich color combinations to make it a beautiful shiny surface texture and natural stone. It can be widely used in public buildings and home decoration (kitchen countertops, sink, kitchen walls, tables, coffee table, window sills, door pockets, etc.) in the field, is a non-radioactive contamination, reusable green, green new construction interior decorative materials. Quartz stone surface smooth, flat and no scratches retention, dense non-porous material structure makes the bacteria can not hide, direct contact with food, safe non-toxic!

The use of selected high-quality natural quartz stone quartz crystal minerals, the content of SiO2 is more than 99.9%, and in the manufacturing process to the complex purification, the raw material does not contain any heavy metal impurities may lead to radiation, 94% of quartz crystals and other the resin additive makes quartz no danger of radioactive contamination.

It should be noted that the content of quartz and resin The quality is directly related to how much. Quartz stone quartz content is higher, the lower the amount of resin, the better the quality, the more close to the natural, the more easily deformed. Experts point out that, when the content of quartz in the resin is greater than 10%, the corresponding technical specifications will decline, when the quartz can not call it a real quartz. The so-called know ourselves victorious, understand the dangers of quartz, then the use of quartz and quartz products, we will pay attention to the subconscious to avoid what harm themselves do not suffer! The other is quartz stone market there are a lot of fake and shoddy products, and greater dangers and shoddy quartz! So how to identify the authenticity of quartz it? Here we take a look!

First, smell the smell of good quartz stone is environmentally friendly materials, smells natural stone taste.
Low-quality quartz production process by adding glue containing formaldehyde to produce the sheet had a very strong smell of formaldehyde, such quartz cheaper price can not choose, ah, to endanger life!

Second, the key or pencil gash, deep scratches and obviously unqualified;

Three, 200 mesh sandpaper, stone powder easy to fall for the failure;

Fourth, cut along the surface, there are cutting crack mouth who is unqualified;

Fifth, the amount of more than 15mm thickness and 15 mm below the quartz stone will not be able to protect the fracture resistance;

Sixth, whether the surface there are holes, there is no good porosity quartz stone;

Seven, splice gap is a good product is not obvious;

